


















[1] 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,模块化多电平谐振   DC-DC 变换器研究,2018-2019,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,城市轨道交通系统迷流腐蚀的源头抑制,2018-2022,参与

[3] 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,地铁杂散电流硬件动态模拟理论及关键技术研究,2022-2024,参与

[4] 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,地铁轨道电位和杂散电流模拟技术研究,2019-2023,参与

[5] 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,地铁牵引供电系统迷流综合治理技术研究,2017-2018,参与





[1] Miao Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Shixiang Li,   et al. High voltage DC auto-transformer traction power supply for braking   energy utilization, rail potential and stray current mitigation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation   Electrification, 2022, 8(3): 3960-3976. (SCI一区)

[2] Miao Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Menghan Ni,   et al. Dynamic performance analysis, optimization and verification of DC   auto-transformer system with rail potential and stray current emulator[J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation   Electrification, 2022, 8(1): 480-491. (SCI一区)   

[3] Miao Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Trillion Q.   Zheng, et al. DC autotransformer-based traction power supply for urban   transit rail potential and stray current mitigation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2020, 6(2):   762-773. (SCI一区)

[4]王淼,杨晓峰,李世翔,.城市轨道交通直流自耦变压器牵引供电系统故障保护研究[J].电工技术学报. 2022,37(4): 976-989.

[5]王淼, 杨晓峰,   郑琼林, .一种高效率多电平均压型 DC-DC 变换器[J]. 中国电机工程学报,2020, 40(11): 3622-3632.

[6]王淼, 杨晓峰,   郑琼林. 谐振开关电容变换器中硬开通问题[J]. 电工技术学报,2019, 34(s1): 154-162.

[7] Miao Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Yongqi Zhu,   et al. Fault ride-through scheme and control strategy of multilevel   voltage-balancing DC-DC converter[C]. IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference   and Exposition (ITEC), Anaheim, 2022: 1296-1300.

[8] Miao Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Shixiang Li,   et al. High voltage DC traction power supply for urban rail transit[C]. IEEE Transportation   Electrification Conference and Exposition (ITEC), Chicago, 2021: 893-897.

[9] Miao Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Trillion Q.   Zheng, et al. Voltage drop and power loss suppression of DCAT system with   dynamic characteristics[C]. IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference   and Exposition (ITEC), Chicago, 2020: 1128-1132.

[10] Miao Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Trillion Q.   Zheng, et al. Performance evaluations of DCAT position for the floating DCAT   system in DC railways[C]. 4th International Conference on Electrical and   Information Technologies for Rail Transportation (EITRT), Qingdao, 2019:   557-567.

[11] Miao Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Trillion Q.   Zheng, et al. Power analysis on DCAT traction power supply system for DC   railways[C]. IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference   and Exposition (PEAC), Shenzhen, 2018: 2535-2539.

[12] Miao Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Trillion Q.   Zheng, et al. The voltage difference control of DCAT traction power supply   system for urban rail transit[C]. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and   Exposition (ECCE), Portland, 2018: 532-537.

[13] Miao Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Lulu Wang, et   al. Resonant switched capacitor converter based DC auto-transformer for urban   rail transit[C]. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC),   Texas, 2018: 1441-1446.

[14] MiaoWang, Xiaofeng Yang, Lulu Wang, et al. DC auto-transformer   traction power supply system for DC railways application[C]. 3th   International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail   Transportation (EITRT), Changsha, 2017: 175-184.

[15] 张捷频,王淼,郑琼林,.基于单谐振支路的多电平均压型 DC-DC 变换器[J].电工技术学报,2017, 32(s2): 119-127.

[16] Yongqi   Zhu, Xiaofeng Yang, Miao Wang, et   al. Fault protection and control strategy of multilevel voltage-balancing   DC-DC converter[J]. IEEE Transactions   on Industry Applications, 2023, early access. (SCI二区)

[17]Sahil Bhagat,杨晓峰,王淼,.城市轨道交通杂散电流治理的综述与评估(英文)[J].电工技术学报,2021, 36(23): 4851-4863.

[18] 倪梦涵,杨晓峰,王淼,.多电平均压型直流变换器输入电流纹波抑制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021,36(16): 3354-3364.

[19] Menghan   Ni, Xiaofeng Yang, Miao Wang, et   al. Dynamic performance analysis of DCAT system for urban rail transit[C].   IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Exposition (ITEC), Chicago,   2020: 1123-1127.


[1] 杨晓峰, 郑琼林, 王淼. 一种基于悬浮模块的多电平均压型   DC-DC 变换器, 发明专利,   授权号: ZL202110395151.1.

[2] 郑琼林, 杨晓峰, 王淼, .   高压直流城市轨道交通牵引供电系统, 发明专利,   授权号: ZL201911309772.2.

[3] 郑琼林, 杨晓峰, 王淼, .   一种降低地铁列车轨道电位系统, 发明专利,   授权号: ZL201711399938.5.

[4] 郑琼林, 杨晓峰, 王淼, .   一种混合型降压负阻变换器, 发明专利,   申请号: 202111089933.9.

[5] 郑琼林, 杨晓峰, 赵治钧,   王淼,   . 一种降压型负阻变换器,   发明专利, 申请号:   202111089909.5.